Build Ubuntu Live Cd From Scratch

Posted : admin On 10.04.2020

This repository provides a method to build an Ubuntu image for variousGumstix boards such as Overo COMs, DuoVero COMs, and the Pepper SBC.

If in case you don’t know what is remastersys, it is a free and open-source program for Debian, Ubuntu-based, Linux Mint or derivative software systems that were used create a customized Live CD/Live USB (a remaster) of Debian and its derivatives. Using Respin, one can now create its own distro. Dec 07, 2019 Linux is very flexible so we have many ways to install and use it: we can install Linux from cd, DVD, network, USB, disk partition; and we can choose between a common installation medium or a medium that contains a live Linux system.

Prebuilt Images

If you want to get started with Ubuntu using one of our prebuilt images, you can downloadthese prebuilt console images for Ubuntu 15.04 for Overo, Duovero and Pepper.Flash them on to the SD card and you are good to go!

Build Instructions

If you want to build everything from scratch:

  1. Install the required tools on your host system:

  2. Fetch this repository.

    $ cd live-build

  3. Choose an image type and machine for which to build. This repositorysupports the Gumstix overo, duovero, and pepper machines.

    Image NameDescription
    vivid-consoleA developer-oriented console image of Ubuntu 15.04
    vivid-lxdeUbuntu 15.04 'Vivid Vervet' with a lightweight desktop environment (LXDE)
    sid-consoleDebian Sid console image
  4. Make it! You will be prompted for a super-user password then go get somecoffee.

    Open ios garageband on ipad. There is no GB folder.I set up iTunes to File-share GB, and I've shared several files.

  5. Everything proceeding correctly, binaries for the u-boot bootloader alongwith a root filesystem tarball will be created. Insert a microSD card toyour development machine, note the drive name, and then format it.Warning: this erases anything currently on the microSD card!

  6. Alternatively, you have the option of creating a dd-able image after thebuild process is complete using the script present in the scripts/directory. Before using the script, make sure that the following tools areinstalled: qemu-img, mkfs, kpartx, sfdisk, losetup.

    Then, run the script:

    This will create a [machine]-[image].img file of size 4GB which needs to beflashed on the microSD card.

    If you have an SD card bigger than 4GB, you can resize the image after flashingit on the SD card using gparted

    Now click on the partition you want to resize and select Partition -> Resize/Move from the menu.

  7. Once the microSD card has been written, insert it into your Gumstix system, loginas gumstix with password gumstix and start playing with your new Ubuntu/Debianimage.


There are numerous ways to customize this root file system.

1. Change distro, release, or image type.


As well as Ubuntu images, the Live Build tool can build images for anumber of Debian-based distributions (e.g. Debian, Kali) each with differentrelease versions (e.g. wheezy, utopic). Depending on the image flavourand the installed packages, images can provide a variety of different desktopenvironments or a stripped down console environement. Start customizing bycopying an existing image directory and adjusting the config.

There are some greatsamples.

2. Pre-install additional packages.

To include additional packages in a custom image, simply add the package names(as the would be passed in an apt-get) to the list of packages in thecustomization directory. Carrying on from the previous customization:

As the contents of the customization directory get copied over to theconfig generated by Live Build's configuration step, it is possible to addlocally created deb packages by dropping them in acustomization/packages.chroot directory. It is even possible to extendthe list of package repositories.

Ubuntu Live Cd Download

3. Change the Root File System.

It is possible to run scripts during the construction of root file system as ifthe image was actually running (i.e. within a chroot under QEMU emulation).See the customization/hooks directory for some samples.

It is also possible to do some boot-time configuration using the live-configtool (different than live-build config).


This is not a build-everything-from-scratch tool. This toolassembles a root file system from pre-compiled packages and provides auseful framework for adjusting configuration files. If somethingadditional needs to be compiled, there are three options:

  • compile it natively (and possibly, create a .deb for future inclusion)
  • cross-build the code---there are a litany of techniques ranging frombuilding on emulated ARM hardware (qemu) through a full cross-buildingenvironment (it gets a little complicated)
  • Use Yocto! The Yocto environment excels at cross-building where Debianprefers native compilation.

How To Create An Ubuntu Live Cd

Maybe this question looks pretty foolish or annoying, but after reading your post – //

Ubuntu Live Cd Creator

I thought is there any way to built from scratch a Linux based laptop at home???

Build Ubuntu Live Cd From Scratch Free

  1. Barebones laptops that can be customized before purchase, and the graphics cards can be replaced later on with newer compatible ones (the pricing will definitely put you off from wanting to purchase this type of system, though it is nice to be able to upgrade the graphics cards): Choosing the parts you want from a manufacturer, such as Dell, HP, Asus, etc. would be far cheaper, as I said previously. If I had the money, I would definitely buy one off these Clevo systems.

    • Thank you for suggestion, I see why you want one of those systems :)

  2. You can only get custom-made desktops, not laptops.

    • Each manufacturer will allow some form of 'customizing' of laptops in which you can choose the processor and GPU, but there are barebones laptops in which you can choose from specific motherboards for their specifications and build upon them. These are generally more extensive 'gaming' laptops, but it is possible. It is far easier to go through the list of compatible hardware and try to find a pre-built one than to build it, then try to find a compatible mini-PCI-e wireless card to replace the original one if need be (can find ones for cheap on Ebay).

  3. If you are thinking to build a Linux based laptop considering that you already have a laptop,then it would be possible for you to use Linux on it.

    The main problem that would come across is driver performance.There are open source drivers available if vendors don't brings their proprietary drivers to Linux.But their performance is not as fast as the proprietary ones.

    You could also be sure that your laptop is fully compatible by checking the certified hardware page of Ubuntu's site.

    If your laptop isn't listed there but you still want to know if it would work,then you can try LIVE booting Ubuntu(or any Linux distribution). This can be done using CD,DVD or USB drives(flash drives).

  4. building from scratch what you mean, you just need linux cd a compatible laptop and install.

  5. Please explain completely what do you mean by making a Linux laptop from scratch ? Do you mean installing Linux on a laptop or something else?

    • Thank you for comment? I mean hand made laptop! The laptop that can be built from separate parts.